
My Slow Descent into Alcoholism... Pt. II

So it's Thursday afternoon. I have been studying Actionscripts for my Flash project all day. My head explodes three times in the 4 hours I am crunching code. I finally stop and go get a bite to eat at the student shop where I run into fellow American and Master of Design student Amy. At 4:30 it is suggested that we go get 40 oz's and drink them in the campus courtyard (as shown in these photos) until our 6:00 class. next thing you know it's 5:55 and we're two 40 oz's deep each. I love being a postgraduate student and class went great.


Amy and yours truly brown bagging it.


averagejoe said...

Woah, your blog got spammed. Mmmmm... spam and 40oz. Hey since your learning all that Flash maybe you could make me a website! hehe.

Anonymous said...

You look good...and not like "hey you look good" but like "damn you look good"

Ian said...

remember when we were riding home on the bus in 5th grade and I had to use the bathroom and could barely hold it so you sat on me and I laughed so hard I peed myself?

averagejoe said...

By the way, since you've been gone your people erected a monument in your honor in Adams Morgan. It's a late night Indian restaurant, catering to the drunk crowd. Looky here; http://www.dcist.com/archives/2005/08/22/chefs_kitchen.php#more

dumpoplex said...

Brown people are of a giving nature, as evidenced by Anand's temple in Adams Morgan, and his sharing of 40 oz's with white people. Amen.

The Redonkulous Linker said...

We want a part III. Where is it?

averagejoe said...

Yeah, I'm bored. More stories! More pictures! And where is that list of albums?